Pearl By John Steinbeck And Kino


Pearl By John Steinbeck And Kino Essay, Research Paper

The Pearl by John Steinbeck is the story of an intrepid man named Kino and the

dilemma that he goes through when he finds a pearl. For the diver Kino, finding

a magnificent pearl means the promise of a better life for his impoverished

family. This dream blinds him with a greed and initiates the events leading to a

terrible tragedy. Stieinbeck’s theme for this book is to not let greed overtake

you. Kino’s family suffered much hardship before they found the pearl. All he

ever wanted was to be rich and live the great life, watch his baby grow up and

learn to read the books. "My son will read and open the books, and he will

write and he will know the writing." When Kino find the pearl… "his

emotion broke over him." He now found the one thing that would make him

happy. He believed that since he had a pearl he could have all the things he

ever wanted or desired. After buying new clothes he had planned to marry Juana,

but it was not to be. Having all this power drove him mad. Kino thought that he

could handle this power, but he could not. He did not realize that this great

gift could result in death not just to his own heart, but to other people around

him. This eventually happens when Kino kills a man who was watching him and his

wife on the beach. The only reason Kino killed the man was because Kino thought

that the man was after his pearl. Kino kills another victim only this time it is

his very own son. Eventhough the death of his son was very traumatic for Kino,

he and Juana traveled back to his village and threw the pearl back into the sea.

Kino now knows that his impetuous thought of wealth leads to nothing but


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