Ankle Rehab


Ankle Rehab Essay, Research Paper

Ankle Rehabilitation Exercise

1. Range of Motion Exercises (to be done multiple times during the day)

a). Write the alphabet with your foot in water – 2 times

b). 30 each – dorsiflexion, plantarflexion, inversion and eversion

movements in water.

c). Sitting in a straight legged position wrap a towel around the base of

your foot and pull toes toward your head (dorsiflexion). Hold for

6 seconds count and continue for 3-5 minutes.

d). One-Foot Stand – standing on bad foot, bend good at knee.

Keep eyes closed. Continue for 3 minutes

e). Stair Stretch – stand with ball of foot in stair and heel dropping

below stair for 6 seconds intervals. Start at 1-1? minutes and

increase by 15 seconds intervals each day.

f). Coin Pick up with Toes – using a dime try to pick up the coin with

each individually. Three times for each toes.

g). Towel Curl with Toes – lay a towel out flat on the floor, curls the

toe completely by using only the toes. Repeat 3 times.

*** Ice and elevate if any fluid accumulates after exercising ***

2. Resistance Exercises:

a). Dorsiflexion with weight over foot. (purse-ankle weights)

6 reps. at 30 secs. each

b). Eversion with resistance

Using a large rubber band to hold both feet in place stretch against the

rubber band with an eversion movement.

3-5 minutes 6 reps. at 30 sec. each.

c). Toe Raises – standing flat on the floor raise heels off floor.

Note: An achilles stretch should be done before and after each of these

exercises in #’s 2 and 3.

3. Jogging, Running and Sprinting: ( In pool at first if possible)

a). Straight jog 400-800 yds. ( ice after exercise)

b). Run straight-aways, jog turn. (CW & CCW)

c). Sprint straight-aways, run turn. ( CW & CCW)

d). "X" jumping with diagonals. (left, right, forward, backward)

For these exercises soreness must act as your guide. As you progress through

the running sequence you may add rope skipping, side to side hopping, front to

back hopping and a standing inversion and eversion stretch and walk.

At the jog and hop stage you may shoot actively – No 1:1 games.

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